No shit.
Yep, I'm definitely Lady Arsenic. This is definitely my page. No, you definitely haven't made a mistake.
Age 34, Female
Right here! See me?
Joined on 4/9/05
No shit.
Yes, shit, I'm afraid. =(
Heh, half the people in my school have never seen me. I generally hide in the bandroom at the piano at every spare moment of the day.
I sincerely doubt I'll get anything for valentine's day.
But happy early birthday, it's a shame that your music is overlooked.
Maestro gets all the fame. :(
I know... That fame-whore. v.v
Heehee, as long as I stay by his side though I'll be okay (and who wouldn't want to be? ^____^)
I hide in the chorus room and play the beautiful grande there, so you and I are practically in the same boat; the only reason people know me is because I do so much damned solo performing at my school. XD
Anywho, thank you kindly for wishing me an early happy birthday! It gives me the warm fuzzies! -^o^-
in my defense, I don't hog all the fame, I trap it using elaborate lies and slander. LIES AND SLANDER >:3!!!
Here's wishing you teh bestererest Birthday evah! I'll have your song ready by then, and we can totally pretend to wear monocles all day long p_o.
Heeheehee, well whatever you're doing, it works (and I'm getting heard by your friends in the process, muahahahahahaha >=} )
^_____^ Thaaaank ya, Maestro! I'm sure it will be quite the bestererest birthday ever when I hear the song!
... I'm NOT wearing a monocle... > >;;
...*Covers Monocle Man with a blanket*
^ ^ Heeheehee
now thats funny °-°
i just had an argument about bananas with my witchy mother!!!
she blamed me for eating all 5 bananas that she bought yesterday...
but anyways.... you actually aaaaare.... THREE DAYS OLDER THAN MEEE!!!!
how dare you??? ^^
okay... now i'll listen to your new song! like i've said a little while ago!
I know a guy whose birthday is Feb. 14th...
>=( And I'll bet he hates it too!