I am now officially one year less awesome than I was before! >=(
XD Ah, I don't mind so much. In a nutshell, today is my birthday! Woooo! I am now 17 years old (society ALMOST loves me!). Yup, Valentine's Day... I fought as hard as I could through the day of watching many a floozy get teddy bears bigger than them and enough balloons to fly away on, and of course at school I got a damned box of chocolate from my neighbor, and I don't even eat chocolate. >=(
Ah well. I'm not so into material stuff anyway. It's just aggrivating sometimes to see the wrong people getting everything they want. But anyway, sorry for not being so in the spirit, I'm really really sick right now (yeah, sick on my birthday. It sucks ASS). I'm seriously hoping it's just an allergy attack. Everything is revolving around my sinuses, so it really well could be. But today at one point when I was blowing my nose, I went completely DEAF. Like, deaf as a doorknob. It was terrible.
So anywho, thank you so much for writing the song, MaestroRage (I didn't look at it yet. I want to hear it with you there). I'm sure it will be astoundingly beautiful, as all of your songs always are.
Goodbye, guys, happy Valentine's Day, go have fun and give your floozy a big ol' present just for me!
With love,
Lady Arsenic <3
Happy birthday. I hate valentine's day tho, worst day of the year. I don't have a floozy to give teddy bears to, sadly. And to be terribly honest, I probably wouldn't give them anything even if I did. In all honesty, If I wanted to show love to someone, why not do it on random days, instead of on a prescribed holiday when no one really appreciates it because they expect a lot?
Happy birthday again.
Well, you can't change society, yes? It doesn't really matter.