Ohhhh yeah.
Guess what guys.
I have a REAL library now! Woopwoop!
I can finally make stuff and not sound like crap! It's a good day.
I hope you guys have stuck with me long enough to be able to truly hear me shine! I'll try not to disappoint. <3
Love you!
What is real? What is not real? Were the libraries you were using before just imaginary or were they more like fake numbers? Did you think that I thought they were fake but they were really real to you but not to me?
I guess we shall never know... Congrats anyway! Now you'll go crazy like the rest of us and never rest until you have every strings library in existence! :D
My mind is blown.
Thank you!!!!! I absolutely know what you're talking about, I need all the pianos in the world right now. D: