Heyyyyy guys!
^ ^ Lady Arsenic here with another rip-roaring boring-as-hell section about how my pathetic little life is going! Woooo!
So today these guys in geometry class were trying to cheat off my answers, but whenever I'm under that kind of pressure I kind of spazz and give out all the wrong answers, so I guess the joke's on them. Heh, I'll have to take that test over again, the stress just made it way too hard for my little ADHD brain.
ANYWHO... um... bubbletrumps is a funny word! =D
So I'm going to be entering this competition tomorrow (OMGZWTFBBQPPL, WSH ME LUXORZ), and I'm hoping to win something out of it. There's a fair chance, my teacher says. But anywho, yeah, good times and whatnot.
I dropped a piece of orange into my friend's chocolate milk carton today, and when we poured it back out it looked kind of like a kitten fetus (?) .
My substitute teacher's favorite wrestler is Rey Mysterio. =DDDD (mine is too)!!!
I can't wait to go to Europe with my cousin... It's going to be so amazing. We just paid off our final dues, so we're definitely going now (<33333!!!). I can't wait to see my cousin in general, it's been months and months. We got a new game splitting the money from my birthday (Dark Alliance: Baulder's Gate II. We've been looking for it for years), and we promised not to play it until I got to his house. He also goes to a magnet school, and his teacher wants to meet me, so I can't wait for that either! It's going to be great visiting him again. Last time I went (Christmas), I got really really sick (I had a fever that went up to 103.7) and had to spend a lot of the time sleeping. So yeah, that wasn't so wonderful.
Anywho, that's about it. ^ ^ See you in the next episode of Lady Arsenic's Boring Life!